Mosher Matters #1: Interview with Trevor Strnad from The Black Dahlia Murder

The Black Dahlia Murder. Picture by Jonathan Pushnik.

Due to a precious partnership with the fine magazine Ultraje, we’re starting a series of short interviews with bands, called “Mosher Matters”. We want to know what the artists think about the metal scene in general, and the moshing phenomenon, in particular. 
Our first guest is Trevor Strnad, vocalist for The Black Dahlia Murder, one of the best melodic death metal bands to ever grace our existence. We’re thrilled to have him on our blog! So, without further ado, lets dive right into the questions!

Are you a mosher? 
Sometimes, only when I’m really drunk. I’m kind of that guy that just sits in the back and observes things, now. But, as someone that plays in a band, you know, I do like when the crowd is getting rowdy and when they will mosh, so I guess I’m something of a old hypocrite in that regard.

What was the last song that got you in the moshpit?
That would have to be Morbid Angel at Summer Slaughter [Festival], last year, and I think it was when they played “Fall From Grace”. I love “Blessed Are The Sick”, I think it’s one of the greatest death-metal records ever made, and I just couldn’t resist at that moment.

"I’ve seen people get all their teeth caved in."


What was the most insane thing you’ve watched happen during a moshpit?
I’ve seen a lot of people get hurt, you know. I don’t want to see people getting hurt at our shows (or any shows); it sucks when it goes down like that. I’ve definitely seen some tragic stuff happen: I’ve seen people get all their teeth caved in. All their teeth just fold backwards into their mouth. From someone stage diving feet first and basically just kicking people right in the face. I’ve seen a lot of dumb shit. I don’t want that for anybody. I don’t want anybody getting hurt, but on the same token, I don’t want to see moshing go away, either, because I think it’s a good outlet; I think it’s a healthy thing. I think it’s part of our culture, I don’t want to see it go away, you know? 

“Kung Fu moves” on the moshpit? Yay or nay?
I don’t care what people do. I don’t think it’s fair to expect one thing in the pit and denounce another. Whatever kind of shit you’re into; if you’re a hardcore kid, do your thing. If you’re a metal kid, do your thing. It’s fine. I think that there needs to be more camaraderie between the two parties. If we’re going to be at the same shows together, we should be friends. We all want the same thing.

What The Black Dahlia Murder songs get the best reaction from the moshpit?
Lets see… "Phantom Limb Masturbation” is a good one - it’s real chuggy and heavy. “Malenchantments of the Necrosphere” from “Ritual” is a good one, two. It gets everybody jumping and I like that. It’s a fun one."


This is an exclusive excerpt of a larger interview by Ultraje, and you can read the rest (Portuguese only) by clicking this link. Thank you, Ultraje; thank you, Trevor; and thank you for reading this. Share this if you liked it!

The Black Dahlia Murder’s next album “Abysmal” comes out in a few days - september 18 - through Metal Blade Records. Get it here.

All pictures of Trevor Strnad and The Black Dahlia Murder by Jonathan Pushnik.


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